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Old 12-07-2007, 05:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Care to venture a guess / what kind?

Some years ago, I had a friend who lived in Jacksonville, FL. The house was a rental, and I guess the landlord, or someone else, took care of the lawn. (I don't think she even owned a lawnmower.) The house had a very large fenced backyard that was, basically, just a large field of grass. However, in one back corner, along the fence, there were some plants growing. I asked what they were, and she said that she didn't know because she never went back there. I walked out to take a look, and it was a small mat of bananas and, in the middle, was a large stalk of fruit, ready to be cut. I got a knife and cut them.
Now, as far as I could determine, these plants got watered when it rained, never got any fertilizer, never got any cold protection. The fruit was full size, and nice tasting.
Does anyone have any idea what variety could grow under these conditions?

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