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Old 02-21-2014, 10:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Dw.Namwah vs. Raja Puri Vs. Mysore/Pisang Ceylon

Originally Posted by Lawler View Post
Well, now I'm questioning if I should scratch the Raja Puri for a Dw. Cavendish since you mentioned Raja Puri (and others) may not be as sweet. I like the store Cavendish (texture) and hear home grown is all that much better.
Can you tell me the fruit size difference between the Dw. Cavendish and Raja Puri. Also, how would you describe the texture differences?
Thanks for any info.
I wouldn't do Cavendish if I were you. You can buy them in the supermarket any day, and they will be bigger and possibly better than what you can grow. At least that's the case for me. It is really a tropical plant and doesn't like cool or dry.

I'd replace Raja Puri with Dwarf Brazilian. The fruit are similar but better, it is more productive, and the plant is a bit hardier and less prone to micronutrient deficiencies (at least in my climate). Its only downside is that it is bigger than Raja Puri. But you won't have to prop it and it is nowhere near as tall as Mysore/Pisang Ceylan.

In terms of sweetness, a lot of that is taste perception, not sugar content. In terms of sugar content, the figures I've seen show Namwah to be the highest of the ones you mentioned, including Cavendish. They are very sweet when fully ripe (black skins), too sweet for some folks. Adding a tart component, like that found in Mysore, Raja Puri, and Dwarf Brazilian I think makes those varieties seem less sweet (and more balanced, to me), but they have similar sugar content as Cavendish.
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