Originally Posted by Richard
In my opinion, none of the bananas you have selected will survive your winter without serious, labor-intensive protection. Somehow you'll need to keep the plants, corms, and roots from freezing -- and ideally keep them from sustained temperatures below 40F.
Now I'm wondering if I'm back to sq.1... on Wiki here, the three selections show all to be tolerant to zones 8-10 (I'm 8b/9).. with the Raja Puri being zone 8-9 ...
WHAT... I read a bunch about it being more cold tolerant- that's what I put it on the list.
This guy in CA says:
Hardiest edible? CA gold, Raja puri, ornico
his last with temps in mid/upper 20s.
Perhaps, as I wondered aloud to my better half.. perhaps we're talking that 'tolerant = staying pretty and green'.
What we merely are concerned with, regarding tolerance, is that
they don't die. I don't care if they get brown and ugly. If they can be cleaned up in the spring and have the pstem cut back to a decent # feet in height and that they take off & produce, that'd be good.
I'm thinking this is the case if they are in pots and not protected or folks can be in same zone different local and have different results ??