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Old 03-11-2014, 01:05 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Time to put the bananas outside for spring!

The one I fruited in N Carolina was Dwarf Orinoco.

To recap ---- Mid October 2001 I was walking to the garden with the dog, and looking up I saw the DO had popped a flower. Totally unexpected.
Made the decision, on the spot, to dig it up and pot it and bring it in the house. First freeze was forecasted in 2 days. It was very heavy but I managed to get it to the 2nd floor. I had put it in a clay pot which I regretted later. Put it in the master bedroom tub because there was a skylight above it. Four months later I harvested 72 fingers. Wrote an article for the newspaper that never ran.

The DO tasted wonderful to me since it was the only bunch I ever grew. Brought the corms to S FL and had a very big full sized bunch of fingers.

Then I found out what the DO really tasted like and
never grew it again! lol

Then I found Going Bananas nursery down where my cousin lives and the rest is history.

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