you really arent that far from me. bigdog lives in knox. and randy4ut lives in cleavland. so there are a few of us in tn. i love the nanas. there is a lot of info on this forum. i try reading a few threads a day from the archives, you can never learn enough. so your nanas are going to share the tub with the lemon trees huh?? thats great. i believe,so dont quote me on this that ," banana trees are actually large bushes." take a look at the saba and tell me thats a bush. yeah right. we have the banana wiki which is a place for you to read up on lots of different nanas. when you get to the main page, in the top box is a "list of bananas" click on that and it will take you to a page where you can read about the different species,height,type of fruit ..etc. it is very helpful.( specially when your new like me) so again welcome, welcome!