oh by the way i forgot to tell you that nanas are a VERY, VERY, VERY addictive hobby! not that i would know that or anything.
i would love to eventually plant nanas in my yard, but in about 3 yrs or so , when i graduate from school i will be heading back down south to home. then i can plant all the nanas i want in the yard. 12 ft. high fence, 3 yds.per sq ft of razor wire, motion sensors at every 6 ft. and my banana guards out patrolling the fruits. sounds good to me! i dont care to share but i dont want any one ruining my trees to get at it. id have to shoot someone.
. when you told us you had lemons in the tub, i knew once you got in here youd be hooked, just like the rest of us. however this drug doesnt have bad side effects! and its all natural!