Originally Posted by Icebanana80
Nice! Is it recommended to use self watering pots? I have a dwarf cavendish currently in a 10 inch ceramic pot with a hols in the center for drainage. I have no idea how often I should water my cavendish.....I think using a self watering pot is ideal when the bottom tray has no water fill it up. then add more water when empty. Is this a good idea anyone? Thanks
Ten inch pot?!? You need to upgrade a few sizes I think. As for the self-watering pots, I love them. I've been using them on a lot of my palm seedlings, pineapples, and other experiments. However, the largest of those pots I have I would only use on a juvenile banana, they just need more room than most plants in a container ranch. When I dig up the corms this fall I will be putting them in storage in the basement, but I may put a few in a 20-30 gallon black bucket tote if I think they're close to flowering (and hope to keep them happy over the winter).
Good luck!