Banana Novice: Help! Raked back mulch - bare root!
Hey everyone, I have a potential problem. This is my first year growing bananas, more specifically, growing anything. A couple of months ago, I purchased a 1-2 yr old musa basjoo online, that was approx 3ft tall. Healthy plant, did my research, etc, etc. Dug my hole approx 12x12, mixed in composted cow manure, pearlite, etc. It's been slow to take off, but nothing alarming, due to shipping and transplanting. Puts out a new leaf about once a week. Not really growing very much taller, however....
Fast forward to today. I read alot about Milorganite and had been using Miracle Grow singles due to the %'s being close to what I read were recommended. Decided to try Milorganite today, raked back my mulch, only to find bare roots. Big, fat, white, roots growing UP and poking out of the ground in the canopy area, all the way around. There's also several teeny tiny white roots as well, but what looks like the main, big roots, are not anchoring down.
As novice as I am, I do know that I prob shouldn't fertilize those bare roots, but I don't know if I should dig the whole thing up and replant it, try to bury the roots I see downward, or really what step to take next. Please advise. I have been faithfully watering and fertilizing all this time and it's still growing, but I know those roots should be deep.