Re: Looking for Musa Blue Java / Ice Cream shipped to germany
we have already exchanged some PMs last week, remember?
Until I move to a bigger house with bigger yard there will not be any more room for additional banana plants.
I have been to the CRFG meetings but not recently. They take place every last Wednesday of the month at the Prado in Balboa Park.
I do grow the in the title of this thread mentioned Blue Java/Ice Cream, Misi Luki/Namwah, Pisang Klotek, Pisang Ceylon, Dwarf Brazilian/ Hawaiian Apple and other dessert varieties in case you want to add to your collection.
In general and not just for the purpose of conserving water, I highly recommend compost and mulching over several inches on all your banana plants. I have never had any problems with rotting, but most of my plants are in the ground.
My apologies to boffcheck: did not intend to high jack your thread, just tried to briefly answer Skiarun
Last edited by crazy banana : 08-19-2014 at 12:22 AM.