Re: Rooting plants from cuttings . . .
one of my favorite mediums for rooting cuttings is peat pellet.. the type you start seeds in.. they come compressed and I can store many until I need them and only use the ones I need when I need them.. I also use Ziploc baggies as a mini greenhouse.. it keeps the moisture in.. I air up each baggie each day to keep the bags off the leaves by blowing in the bag and sealing it before the air can escape. I keep the baggies on top of the fridge where it is nice and warm and I have florescent light right above it about a foot from where I keep the cuttings..
I'm sure this probably doesn't work with every thing.. but it has worked very well with my citrus root stock cuttings..
I do cut off all but 2-4 leaves and use rooting hormone..
as soon as I see root coming out of the pellet I transplant to my regular soil mix in 4 in clay pot and place the clay pot back in Ziploc baggie with the top open for a few weeks to allow the new roots time to get in to the soil..
I also have recently put some cuttings in a fish tank I've made in to a terrarium.. I ran out of pellets and the local nursery was destroyed by the flood and will not restock till this next spring.. so I'm having to be creative about how to solve my planting needs..
I don't know how well the terrarium will work.. but so far so good.. I put about two inches of my "usual" citrus mix with over double the perilite mixed in..
I do have to mist it at least once or twice a day..
Gina *BabyBlue*