Re: Rooting plants from cuttings . . .
When I first came to Puerto Rico three years ago I noticed that every house had in its front yard a Plumeria tree, many Crotons and another bush I did not know untill one day got out of truck walked up close and said to a friend . . . my god its a Crape Myrtle !
They are all over the Island. They do not go dormant, they keep on growing full foliage all year round !! So I recently rooted cuttings for my wifes garden (in Spagnum). If you have a warm spell up there, cut some branches of Crape myrtle and you may have a head start on spring planting.
Love the Earth, Logos / Wholistic Naturalist / Married / Father of ten Cats / Sexual preference: Anything that moves / French-Greek ancestry / Special interests: Codiaeum (Crotons), Evolutionary behavior / Look to the examples of Nature to understand Humanity.