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Old 12-25-2007, 10:13 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Default Re: Rooting plants from cuttings . . .

Dear Incube, metaphysically wrinkle free . . . I appreciate your more botanical info and that you have corrected me twice ! I had no idea that Pine species could be rooted from cuttings. If so, I'm sure it's difficult and requires controled conditions that most of us may not be able to provide or have the pacience to do. If we could combine our tallents, perhaps we could root cuttings of Peach, Apple, Mango, Alvacado, and make a fortune without grafting !! I tried to root a Mango cultivar once and got all excited when it calloused but it refused to root.

Do you have any comments on rooting Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). I have a customer that bugs me to do liners.

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Logos Formont Calamus / Nurseryman / Puerto Rico
Love the Earth, Logos / Wholistic Naturalist / Married / Father of ten Cats / Sexual preference: Anything that moves / French-Greek ancestry / Special interests: Codiaeum (Crotons), Evolutionary behavior / Look to the examples of Nature to understand Humanity.
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