Re: Rooting plants from cuttings . . .
Big Dog . . . I hope Inkcube buts in to help you. I cannot find any reference to Wollemi nobilis I know of several Araucarias , but not that one. If taking a cutting will not disturbe the character of the plant (or its style of groth), I would go ahead and try.
Something I have learned over the years . . . rooting in a dark greenhouse or under 50% + shade cloth causes more root rot than situations with brighter light. Bright lite, even morning Sun in winter with high humidity is very best !! Many commercial nurseries experience big losses not knowing thier greenhouses are just too dark. They think that stopping transpiration helps rooting. Without transpiration cuttings will not root, mostly rot. All this seams obvious.
Love the Earth, Logos / Wholistic Naturalist / Married / Father of ten Cats / Sexual preference: Anything that moves / French-Greek ancestry / Special interests: Codiaeum (Crotons), Evolutionary behavior / Look to the examples of Nature to understand Humanity.