THANKS YA'LL!!! I have been living here in the Rio Grande Valley for almost 12 yrs. & I really like it. The pace is not as fast as the other major cities down here in Texas! I came from Houston (lived there for 17 yrs year- pretty much I grew up there, but the traffic is really BAD! But I still root for the Texans, Rockets, & Astros even though they can frustrate the hec outta me!
I have a small back yard, in which, I have a Cara-cara, moro, Jaffa orange (still small), & an Orlando tangelo tree, a coconut, & 2 banana trees- ice cream & mysore (also small). In my front yard, also small- I have a Spanish dagger, 2 small cycads, a chinese fan palm tree, a small mediteranean(sp?) palm tree, a rosemary bush. To be honest I just started growing all these plants & trees 4 months ago (a new hobby for me to help me lose wt (lost 55lbs in 5 mos.) & to lower my blood sugar & blood pressure)! My doctor told me to lose wt or have a heart attack in a couple of yrs! I'm just 39 yrs. old with a wife & 2 small kid- ages 5 yo & 22 months old!