Originally Posted by jeffaroo
I've been using a tablespoon per gallon on my mature plants. Just a word of caution, I had a few beers one day on feed day. Any juvenile plants that got a full dose had problems. Cut your dose back to 1/2 or 1/3 and it works fine.
For my tc's I throw 1 tablespoon to a 5 gallon bucket only after the tc gets going and starts to take off
I believe that 1 tablespoon per gallon is the recommended monthly feeding rate. For outdoor container plants, I have been using 1/2 tbsp per gallon every 2 weeks with good results. Even on the pups. Anything in a container prefers more frequent, diluted fertilizer due to constant leaching out of the bottom of the pot every time you water. Bananas also preffer acidic soil, especially AeAe. So adding some humic acid as well will benefit if you have high PH, hard water like here in Southern California.