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Old 01-04-2008, 01:07 AM   #19 (permalink)
Been nuts, gone bananas
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Default Re: Temps plummet in SE TN!!!!!!

I think all of these cold temperatures are due to global warming. I read an article a week or two ago about how, according to most news reports and many scientists, warmer temperatures are due to globa warming, colder temperatures are due to global warming, increased hurricane activity is due to global warming, decreased activity is due to global warming, droughts are due to global warming, and heavy rains are due to global warming.

Also, from

A year ago, British meteorologists made headlines predicting that the buildup of greenhouse gases would help make 2007 the hottest year on record. At year’s end, even though the British scientists reported the global temperature average was not a new record — it was actually lower than any year since 2001 — the BBC confidently proclaimed, “2007 Data Confirms Warming Trend.”

Here is another interesting article that might mean that we better get used to protecting our bananas!

We've had a colder year than normal so far in California, it seems. Many years in the past couple of decades we only had 5-10 days of frost in my area but we've easily had more thant that already. Last January was the coldest since 1990 and I hope we don't get that cold again.

Good luck to all of you with your protection efforts. Don't freeze yourself!
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