Originally Posted by bananimal
Snakes? The're nothing to worry about, really. How do you feel about bobcats Samantha? Wife went out in the early AM Tuesday to get the paper and found herself face to face with the neighborhood BC - 20 feet away, strolling along the front of the undeveloped lot across the street. Sun was up already too. One foot stomp and the cat popped off into the palmettos.
Our area is about 60% undeveloped - lots of critters. Love 'em all - 10 years ago this area had wild hogs, I'm told. Recently, a big mama boar and her pups tore up a bunch of sod right in front of city hall - just a rootin' away. And a wild turkey hen stopped traffic for a while right on PSL Blvd strutting thru the grass next to the roadway. It's very gratifying to still see a bit of old Florida, now and then, in our times.
That sounds like a wonderful place to live!!!