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Old 10-28-2015, 01:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Edible Banana Seeds...

Here's a link that could help, too.
Are Banana Trees Self-Fruitful? | Home Guides | SF Gate

It mentions bananas don't need pollination to get fruit, and when unpollinated will produce fruit without seeds. I also suspect that overs many years bananas chosen as food were types with small seeds. Someone mentioned in a post, somewhere, that he actually got some small seeds which sprouted I think. They may be only on the verge of viability when small or rather underformed, but still could be coaxed into germinating in such cases. Who knows?

I do know one thing the article gets wrong. It is about Cavendish bananas not being capable of producing from seed. I recently read about the efforts in producing new strains of cavendish types of bananas due to disease problems with older strains. It looked bleak, but they went back to the Giant Cavendish or some other early Cavendish strain and managed to get some pollination that produced viable seeds. There are now some new Cavendish varieties being grown with rather different characteristics which gives hope for developing greater disease-resistance in Cavendish type bananas. Of course, we all know Cavendish bananas are commonly used as seedless fruits, so this again shows that some edible bananas can produce seeds that will germinate. Also, the scientists are seeking new material for production of edible bananas for commerce, so there has to be some way in which that could come from these bananas which produced seeds or they wouldn't even be trying, right?
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