Re: Musa ingens in West Papua
Very Cool! I had been searching Google for BAnana Info and found the same picture from this website - It also shows someone eating a VERY Large banana that seems to be associated with that plant - Wawww 1 Pohon Pisang Bisa Berbobot 30kg-60kg Dan Tinggi Pohonnya Bisa Mencapai 20 Meter. - RameBanget
There's even photos of someone climbing one, so Gabe15, there's no perspective tricks :-) They are HUGE at the base.
It's not in English, but if you use Chrome, just right click and Translate. There's also a Youtube Video at the bottom, but it's just a collection of images, including the one posted by the Harveyc
Have: Mysore, Pisang Klotek, Rajapuri, a Pineapple flavored type (Pisang Raja?), Manzano, Veinte Cohol, Gros Michel, Gran Nain, Double Mahoi, Enano Gigante, Dwarf Cavendish, SDC, TT, SH3640, FHIA-18, a NOT FHIA-18 (?), FHIA 01, Pitogo, Blue Java, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah, Orinoco (from 3 locations), Dwarf Orinoco, Cali Gold, Hua Moa, (Red?) Iholena, Dwarf Iholene, Dwarf Puerto Rican, Velutina and growing