food for palms and bop???
i purchased some fert last night that is called ironite plus. it is a 12 -10- 10. it contains essential secondary and micronutrients in it. also 2 % iron. its total contents are as follows:
n -12 %, phosphate- 10%, potash -10%, sulfur- 9%, boron- .02 %, iron 2. %,manganese .10%, molybdenum .0005% and zinc .10 %. would this be ok to use on my palms and my bop? they need to be fed but i didnt want to miricle- gro them cause of salts. could this also be used on the nanas for the occasional feeding, beside the cabbage and spinach they get? i want to make sure its ok, i dont want to use bad stuff. any help would be appriciated. and thank you!!!!