I cannot speak on what to feed your BOP, but as far as palms go, it is my understanding that it all depends on your soil makeup... Not sure if you are looking for a fertilizer for potted palms or palms in the landscape. For my potted palms, I use the slow release "Dynamite" ferts with micros that you can get at Lowes/HD. For my palms in the yard, I have used triple 13 and added Epsom Salt, and also a "speciality" fert I got while in Florida. I have been working with a local fertilizer mfg. here in town to possibly make me some for me and others in the area and have a specific blend I am wanting them to make. After talking with many palm growers I know, I have come up with a fert analysis for my specific type of soil... If you are interested, let me know and I can send you what info I have on the fert. I am assuming you are more interested in ferts for potted palms, though...
Here is a link to what I use... As long as it is a balanced formula with micros, especially Magnesium.