Re: food for palms and bop???
randy your not taking up space! i value all of yall opinions. and i was wanting to know for indoor palms. i have no problem putting my plants in the shower (have done it before) to do a flushing of the soil, i was concerned about the salt build up in the pots. and randy that site was very informative. i use epsome salt in most of the plantings i do outside( my secret mix for fert) but was very unsure about the plants inside. i have used miricle grow on my nanas 2 times since ive had them. it seems that it does ok for them. 1 tbsp per gallon of filtered water.( yes i filter my water for the tropical plants) i am having a problem with the tc basjoo i got a few months ago. so i put it in more direct sunlite and found i had little,tiny, itty, bitty white things crawling on it. so i used some low tox bug spray. which i hate to do. i started noticing brown splotches and yellowing on the leaves, so ive been watching it for 2 days. i thought it needed some calcium....nope that wasnt it. inkcube, so i get this right, are you saying that no matter what kind of fert i get its going to have salts in it. i just dont want to use some thing that is going to harm my palms and bop.i have worked too hard to get them looking this nice. so the fert that i got last nite is it not good for the palms and bop? or should i take it back and get something else? if that is the case ill look and see if they have the dynamite at lowes. thank yall so much for the help.