Thread: Fusarium wilt
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Old 01-19-2008, 09:19 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Re: Fusarium wilt

This thread got me caught up surfing the web reading about fungus and what to do with the affected plants and the ground as I know that we've dealt with having to burn tomato plants but never knew what to do with the soil so did nothing. In reading about this Panama disease I read lots of articles that said to burn the plants and solorize the soil but I had no idea how to solorize the soil. My idiot brain was going in directions like... burn the soil to attain the heat necessary to kill the fungus? LOL In case there is anyone like me that had no clue about this .. here is a site that has an article written in step by step simple intstructions. So now I know how to kill the fungus in the soil. I would imagine with contaminated soil in pots you could spread it out and cover with plastic to solorize the same way?

The article talks about killing the weeds through this method but says at the end that it also kills plant pathogens.


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