Originally Posted by mandyg
I actually got this from an old friend of mine who gave me one of his baby shoots (not sure what they are called) and I know his original tree grew nanas cause I had some of them. That's why this is so weird to me....
How far south is your friend located? Or, is he from the same town as you? The reason I ask is because his climate may be warmer than yours. And if so, then that may be one explanation. If temperature is not an issue, then other things are influencing your plants growth or lack of it. One that comes to mind is the condition of your soil. You may need to check your soil for several things, i.e., is your soil on the high ph side, is it too wet, too rich or too low in nutrients, etc. Even if your plants are watered sufficiently, but the soil doesn't drain well (the water is stagnant around the area of your plants), you will have a problem. What other plants are thriving in you yard? Are there any near your bananas? Have your ever fertilized your bananas?
Try planting some of the pups (side, baby shoots) at another location where the soil may be not as wet (or as dry, whatever your situation is) but with good drainage. Ideally, at a higher ground level as your current location.
Oh! yes, as Bencelest has posted, a couple of pictures will be of big help.
Welcome to the banana world!