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Old 01-28-2008, 01:32 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: Bnana tree wont grow

O.k. Sorry it took so long, but here is the picture of my banana tree(s). We have had a surprisingly pretty bad freeze or two so far this year so they have died back. They do this during the winter but come back with beautiful leaves in the spring, but like I said, never get ANY bigger. The big one in the picture is my original one that I received almost 7 years ago. I did separate the pups this past summer and mulched all of them as well. I probably didn't separate them far enough away from each other though. Some answers to the other questions are....yes, the person I got the original from lives in the same town as me. I'm not sure how tall it was, I actually never saw the tree, just ate the bananas from it. As for my soil, I've never tested it, but it is old pasture land and everything else grow like a charm. I think that the drainage is fine, I am up on a hill and it seems like the water would drain just fine. Any suggestions after seeing these? If it was a dwarf by chance would it take 7 years or more to even show signs of developing bananas? Is there anything I can do about this? Thanks so much for yalls help!!!!
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