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Old 02-26-2016, 05:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Pisang Raja Taste Report

UPDATE: well I should correct this as a not quite Pisang Raja taste report. This appears to be what is described in the Kepler & Rust book as Pisang Raja, but is not actually that. It is not what others are growing on the mainland and elsewhere as Pisang Raja. But if you happen to have "Pisang Raja" in Hawaii, it may well be this one. All my Mysore plants have BSV, but this one does not and does appear distinct in several ways from my Mysores. Thicker trunk, less black, less red on the underside of new leaves but otherwise does appear to be closely related.

My first Pisang Raja bunch was harvested a week ago. Big 15 hand rack with 254 fruit. This one is a winner!

TEXTURE-Mostly creamy, a little starchy.

FIRMNESS-The fruit feels firm when ripe, but kind of melts in the mouth

SWEETNESS-Moderately sweet.

TARTNESS-Somewhat tart, about like a Brazilian.

RIPENESS-Taste yellow ripe with some spots on the peel. It’s better than less ripe with some green at the tips.

FLAVOR-Like a Mysore crossed with a Brazilian. Not quite as tangy as Mysore, but similar kind of berry taste. Not sure how else to describe the taste. But given that Mysore and Brazilian are some of my favorite, it’s a great combination.

OTHER-Somewhat thin peel. Fruit are generally a bit larger than on Mysore. The bunch, especially for being the first was much larger than I usually get for Mysore.

OVERALL RATING-8.5 I had a few of these a year or so ago and just thought they were ok, like a Mysore with half the taste taken away. These ones I grew myself are like a Mysore with maybe ¼ of the taste removed with a more tropical, Brazilian taste and texture mixed in. I really wish I had some ripe Mysore to compare side by side. I think I have to give the texture nod to Pisang Raja. After my first taste last time I decided to leave it as 1 of these planted. I was wrong, I need to plant more. These are definitely in my top 10.

SUGGESTED USE-out of hand ripe.

Last edited by robguz24 : 02-27-2016 at 03:06 AM.
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