Re: Musa sp nov (Big Flower), little one and odd one
It does look indeed like that one could be Musa yunnanensis, it looks somewhat similar at this stage to mine. Musa sp. nov 'Big Flower' is (as of right now) Musa xishuangbannaensis, same as Musa itinerans var. gigantea. Musa cheesmani and Musa nagensium are curious to me, I dont know a lot about Musa nagensium but it appears to me as though there has been a mix up along the way. I have seen some pictures that look the same and some that are completly different. It seems a lot of plants get mixed up like this. Plus if you notice there are some companies offering a variety of different supposed Musa nagensium types. I definetly need to look into this matter more deeply.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.