Little Store bought bananas
I saw these in the supermarket this week and couldn't pass them up. They're not manzanos... a bit longer and not as curved. Quite straight actually. They're pretty yellow inside... almost like the orangey of a plantain and the flesh is much creamier than cavendish or even manzanos. They're not completely ripe but they're still quite sweet and more flavorful than cavendish. I really like them.
They're tough to start peeling and usually mush the top of the fruit, but once it starts, it's very thin skinned and peels easy.
Any ideas would be nice
Have: Mysore, Pisang Klotek, Rajapuri, a Pineapple flavored type (Pisang Raja?), Manzano, Veinte Cohol, Gros Michel, Gran Nain, Double Mahoi, Enano Gigante, Dwarf Cavendish, SDC, TT, SH3640, FHIA-18, a NOT FHIA-18 (?), FHIA 01, Pitogo, Blue Java, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah, Orinoco (from 3 locations), Dwarf Orinoco, Cali Gold, Hua Moa, (Red?) Iholena, Dwarf Iholene, Dwarf Puerto Rican, Velutina and growing