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Old 07-22-2016, 08:24 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: What varieties are most tolerant of wet conditions during fruit maturation?

Trach 99, I like your sig. If you can't eat it, why do all that work? Good one. That said, I do enjoy flowers, but otherwise, if it's too much work, why? I grew bananas in Illinois for 5 years, but it wasn't much work and I liked how they looked.
If you lose your head and give up, you neither live nor win.

Varieties I supposedly bought: Manzano, Cavendish, Blue Java, Sweetheart, and Gros Michel.
What it seems I actually have: Brazilian, Cavendish, Namwah, Dwarf Red, Gros Michel, Pisang Ceylon, Veinte Cohol and SH 3640, and American Goldfinger. FHIA 1, Paggi and FHIA 17... Always room for one more.
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