Originally Posted by edwmax
How often are you applying the 1/2 cup of fertilizer? How big is the pot and how big is the plant?
The pot looks to be 8 or 10 inches and the plant about 12" or so. Is this correct? ... If so, then 1/2 cup of fertilizer is too much. I would only be giving 2 or 3 tablespoons around the outside of the soil. ... I can't find Stokes' label or their application rate for the product. Young potted plants need much less than older 'in-ground' plants.
The pot is 22 inches and the plant is a bit over 1 foot. First got it in August and had it outdoors in this pot until beginning of October when the weather began to turn. Then brought it in under this grow light.
What is the best way to reverse the damage at this point? Last time I gave the fertilizer was Oct. 20. I estimated that was about a month since last feeding. I already figured it needs less feeding indoors than outdoors. I can also reduce the amount if you think that is what caused the problem. What about water and the light? Go down about an inch into the soil and it is moist, but the top inch is dry.