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Old 11-21-2016, 02:31 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: dwarf namwah grow report in COLD Northern California

Yeah, and flower color is so variable based on temperature, light intensity, soil pH, etc. I recently added only P and K, so my guess is that the pH went up drastically before the flowers opened, which could explain why they appear so yellow. Some more photos of the flowers, photos taken 11/16/16 and 11/21/16. Not much has happened since it's really getting cold up here, our highs are in the low 60's and we even had a night in the high 30's a few days ago.

Indiviual fingers at this stage of development are longer than my biggest american goldfinger at the same exact stage. Notice the flowers are getting slightly darker in color:

And here they are 5 days later:

Overview of the flower bud. If this was summer, we'd know by now whether or not this was rajapuri, but at this rate, it'll be a while before the inflorescence fully opens:
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