some updated photos of this "not namwah" cultivar. Still not developed enough to tell if it's rajapuri for sure, things are slower than a snail's pace now that it's extra cold.
On a slight tangent, I'm determined to get aeae to fruit up here, so I covered the whole thing with greenhouse plastic. Now, with zero threat of overwatering and zero damage so far being exposed to temps in the high 30's, I'm confident it'll get through this winter just fine. Anyhow, I'm bringing up this Aeae plant because the "enclosure" just happened to be big enough to sneak in the entire inflorescence of my "not namwah":
Whatever cultivar this is, the flower is really beautiful. Here I am standing inside the makeshift enclosure. Nice spot to be on rainy days:
Some of the hands were exposed to cold rain, and there seems to be some browning at the tips of the fingers. hope I covered it in was really easy to knick off the dead flowers at the tips:
Flower color is very deceiving. These looked almost pure yellow, but as they developed, they turned pretty red:
Still more hands developing. BTW, the first hand has 34 fingers, this bud is massive: