Originally Posted by aruzinsky
If I remember correctly, about 30 years ago, Hoffman indeed manufactured a dehydrated cow manure and it was sold at almost every garden center. It was absolutely dry and had a strong odor. I remember observing an interesting result on tomato seedlings with this manure and, now, I wanted to confirm my observation in a controlled experiment. I don't want to use composted manure because the amount and type of compost material is an unknown variable.
I recently ordered this:
but haven't received it yet.
Incidentally, I have seen similar false advertising by sellers before. About 6 years ago, grocery stores sold Lowell Pomegranate Juice for about $2.50 per 1 liter bottle. It was pure and high quality. Then Lowell stopped manufacturing it and replaced it with "Pomegranate Juice Drink" which contained 40% carrot juice. But, all of the grocery stores continued to advertise it as "Pomegranate Juice."
I would not use any manure for my seedlings.
$10 for 3.5 Gallons is ridiculous and whatever N-P-K analysis these companies claim on their bags I would not necessarily trust. At the end, who cares if it is 1-1-1 or 0.5-0.5-0.5. The difference is minuscule.
I am fortunate to have a horse and chickens, a dairy farm also in reasonable distance with endless supply for free. Check out if you have horse or dairy farms around to pick up some manure for free.
If you don't know where to start, check Craig's List and you will be surprised what you can find.
Whatever manure you are using on mature plants, you will carefully have to monitor your results. Most likely if using manure exclusively you will have some kind of micronutrients deficiency. I like my endless manure supply, but I have more reliable results with Fruit Fuel.