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Old 04-22-2017, 10:34 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Full Size Fruit Plants

Thanks pitangadiego. and I did obtain the plants I have based on what I've read about their flavors and am looking forward to trying them all.
Tytaylor77, I have heard that home grown Cavendish and Gran Nain often taste better.
I do really like the taste of Orinoco too.. Most people seem to eat them before they're really ripe! They'll have a lot more black on the peel than a Cav when it's ripe.
Which Goldfinger are you both referring to? American Goldfinger or the other Goldfinger? Is there much of a difference in taste? Has anyone compared them?
Maybe the next one I look for will be a Goldfinger... either one as I'm not sure what the differences are.
Have: Mysore, Pisang Klotek, Rajapuri, a Pineapple flavored type (Pisang Raja?), Manzano, Veinte Cohol, Gros Michel, Gran Nain, Double Mahoi, Enano Gigante, Dwarf Cavendish, SDC, TT, SH3640, FHIA-18, a NOT FHIA-18 (?), FHIA 01, Pitogo, Blue Java, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah, Orinoco (from 3 locations), Dwarf Orinoco, Cali Gold, Hua Moa, (Red?) Iholena, Dwarf Iholene, Dwarf Puerto Rican, Velutina and growing
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