Re: Full Size Fruit Plants
Wow... That's quite an endorsement! I may have to move it up on my acquisition list! I've never heard of Neypoovan (Ney poovan) Sounds interesting! Is it close or the same as Mysore? this is probably one of the better threads on it - Ney Poovan info wanted
I have been buying Manzano a lot at the supermarket and come to think of it, everyone in the house now takes cavendish and usually breaks them in half, leaving half in the fridge for later. Even I do from time to time... unless I'm running to work, then I'll eat a whole one for breakfast in the car.
Well, I'm hoping all my new plants (or at least some) fruit this year. Then, I may consider getting a few more... Manzano, Goldfinger (any), Gran Nain probably... and a few others now :-)
Have: Mysore, Pisang Klotek, Rajapuri, a Pineapple flavored type (Pisang Raja?), Manzano, Veinte Cohol, Gros Michel, Gran Nain, Double Mahoi, Enano Gigante, Dwarf Cavendish, SDC, TT, SH3640, FHIA-18, a NOT FHIA-18 (?), FHIA 01, Pitogo, Blue Java, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah, Orinoco (from 3 locations), Dwarf Orinoco, Cali Gold, Hua Moa, (Red?) Iholena, Dwarf Iholene, Dwarf Puerto Rican, Velutina and growing