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Old 07-08-2017, 08:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
crazy banana
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Talking Too funny (or sad) not to share

We have talked about it here on the forum many times that nurseries sell mis-labeled plants.
Today I found a similar example (funny or sad, you decide) on Craigslist. Someone selling a banana plant which clearly is not. Bird of Paradise, maybe. My friend actually contacted the seller and asked if it had fruited yet. The sellers response was that this is the bushy kind of banana plant that does not produce any fruits.

OMG, why is it that in all these years on I have not seen any posts about this bushy banana variety that does not produce any fruits?
And yes, it must be so rare that the price of $50 is justified (only if you dig it out yourself, otherwise who knows how expensive it might get).
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