Re: short cycle list
Does have a curator? Seems like short cycle data fact sheets should be available more. Up until a few months ago I only knew of 3 short cycles. Patupi, veinte, and Senorita. Now I know there are many of them. Seems like a curator could ask for independent data to collect on varieties so we get more of an understanding of the short cycle topic. When I joined the forum I was not a banana grower but I did want something not taking 9 months to do something. Had I had a list and days I would have rushed out and collected as many as possible. Many of the fact sheets in general are missing data and photos are removed or expired. I even saw where one photo was used for 2 varieties. Even though I am getting a little better at using research options for bananas I still think concise information needs to be developed for the beginner and those still wanting to learn more. is a wonderful digital infrastructure that a curator could do wonders with if we had more available data.