Potting up?
I've always been taught to "pot up" that is transplant a plant into a pot 2-4 inches larger in diameter than the one it came from. I think this is to prevent root rot and aid in aeration if using clay pots. BUT with fabric pots and fast growing bananas I was wondering if it pays to transplant my 2 ft nana into her final home (a 45 gallon fabric pot) sooner rather than later. The reason I worry is that she grows so fast Ive had to trim some woody bound roots and am repotting every 3-4 weeks which seems, frankly, kind of stressful for us all (me and the nanner) I'm growing in a greenhouse with average daytime temps in the high 80's to 90, lows I shoot not to go below 60 but get the occasional 55 f or so. So she's growing fast about a leaf every 2-3 days when it is sunny, every 5 or so when cloudy. It's kind of insane to this neophyte. I'd never dream of doing this to my mangos or citrus but how about naners!? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.
Oh she's a dwarf Iholena and is currently in a 8 inch pot but looks ridiculous right now. I bought her in a 2 inch pot. Or something like that.