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Old 08-25-2017, 12:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Preparing a winter home for my bananas

Ok. Sadly, it is time to begin thinking about bringing in my two banana tree children in for the pending cold Ohio winters.

Last year, I bought a metal hydrate light that did a rather excellent job of providing light and I put the tree in a bathroom all season, where it was quite warm.

This year, I was kind of hoping there would be a way to keep them in a spot in my garage instead, so I do not have to sacrifice the bathroom this year.

I can easily move the grow light out there. However, the garage is not winterized. I would need to find a way to get that portion of the garage heated up from the ambient temperature of about 30 degrees F up to 70 for a long period of time.

Without spending much, much money to basically remodel my garage, could someone recommend a way in which I can inexpensively and SAFELY cordon off a small portion of the garage and heat it for the trees? Is this something that is possible?

Thanks in advance.
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