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Old 09-04-2017, 03:19 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: New Cali Gold has wet, black area

Cali Gold, like Texas Star we're B.S. to begin with.The latter was offered a few years before this site began by an enterprising grower who knew that there were people desperate enough to pay money for a banana that might grow in their yard. California Gold came a few years later from a seller in the SF Bay area with the same strategy -- who now disgraced no longer comes to this site. But back in the day was selling pups on eBay for hundreds of dollars. I've seen both Orinoco and "Cali Gold" growing side-by-side in USDA zones 9a through 10b. Same plant, same fruit. And it's not a very good fruit. Why anyone grows either is beyond my tastes.
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