Re: Fruit Fuel - Banana Fuel UPDATE
Mr. Aruzinsky:
You have referenced a non-peer-reviewed article from an M.A. student in Egypt studying with a professor in Syria. Certainly the penetration of phosphates is an issue in alkaline soils but you are missing the point when it comes to fruiting plants. A minimal amount of available phosphate is necessary in proportion to potash. As far as plant metabolisms are concerned, the availability of Nitrogen to Potash should be 2 to 3. This is why Fruit Fuel is formulated in NPK ratios of 2:1:3 with pH balances suited to most soils. There are many peer-reviewed papers supporting this formulation -- in fact I contacted several of the authors when I designed this formula. Check the minor- and micro-nutrients in the Guaranteed Analysis -- you'll see what I'm talking about.
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