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Old 10-05-2017, 05:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Cold Digging up plants. Should I wrap in burlap?

First off, I live in MN so leaving my manzanos outside isn't an option this winter as I just don't have enough to risk them not surviving. Maybe next winter I'll do a few experiments with my basjoos and a manzano or two but for now it's going to be a mix of dry overwintering and continuing some in pots.

Anyways, the situation/question: I'll be digging up one large manzano and one large Ensete maurelli to bring inside to hide and I'm curious about process. I don't have a cool dark root cellar and beaides that I've read from more sources than not that it's more the light than the temp that messes the plants up, so I was thinking about putting them in my furnace room, cutting all but three or so leaves off and then wrapping those leaves and part of the pseudostem in burlap, just to help protect it from getting messed up. So my questions are (1) anyone overwinter in a furnace room? And (2) is wrapping in burlap something others do or is that inviting other issues?

I was just hoping to leave more than one leaf on the plants to help with springtime growth.

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