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Old 10-07-2017, 03:05 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Can I get some advice about this Cavendish, which has just flowered?

I am not so sure if the freezing will not kill her banana. Namwah is a banana native to Northern Thailand/Laos/Cambodia and over there indeed temperatures drop to 35F during the night. I spend myself the winters over there and I have many Namwahs that grow well. What I noticed about their climate is that when is cold, it's also very dry. Then I was thinking where they get the water. Well during the winter over there, every morning it's a dense fog which leaves droplets of water everywhere.
So I suggest don't water souch during cold, misting water in the morning it's better. I suggest you cut 2 pups just in case you have a strong freeze. Then you have same spare banana.
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