a little more info this time on acetylene kinda vague but I will keep digging
and I have it on hand I have several young velutinas in the green house when the get a little bigger I may bag one gas it and compare the difference
In atomic absorption flame spectroscopy, acetylene is combined with high-purity synthetic air or nitrous oxide as a fuel for the flame.
Beyond its obvious value as a fuel gas, acetylene has many other less-well-known applications. It is used to produce certain plastics and chemicals for instance. It also plays a role in organic synthesis (laboratory work) and chemical synthesis. In plant cultivation, it improves the forming of new flowers.It is also used as a carbon source in molecular manufacturing, in calibration gases for the gas, oil and chemical industries and in lung testing gases.
Acetylene is manufactured commercially by reacting calcium carbide and water. It is also a by-product of ethylene production.
Acetylene | Linde Industrial Gases
The results obtained in the elaborate
experiments with acetylene gas on plant
life at the Cornell University, as set forth
in a paper by Professor John Craig
(writes the "Acetylene Journal"), Chi
cago, are what might be expected when
the close approximation of acetylene 1l
lumination to sunlight is considered.
The sun, as everyone knows, stands for
life and development.in plant culture. It
is the chief element upon which the gar
dener who forces flowers and vegetables
under glass depends. When, therefore,
he can turn to what is virtually sun
shine, as produced with ease, economy,
and in abundance by agetylene, he at
once finds help over hard places. Pro
fessor Craig begins his paper by quot
ing Munstorberg as showing, the nearly
equal cglor values of the sun and acety
lene as' revealed by spectrum analysis.
It is a showing suoh as no other artifi
cial light reveals. 'n that brief ,conm
parison is found the basis of 'the success
with acetylene in plant culture. , The
benefit from acetylene was found not
only as making up for deficiency of sun
light, but in adding to the efficiency of
sunlight for plant growth. In 'the ex
periment on 150 different kinds of plants,
with few exceptions the growth was
stronger, while the time of bloom'and of
maturity was materially advanced. For
Instance, strawberries were brought into
bearing 16 days, or more than two weeks
earlier, as the result of acetylene added
to sunlight. In the case of geranium
(pelargonium) and lilumn `blooms, the