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Old 10-08-2017, 02:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: Can I get some advice about this Cavendish, which has just flowered?

Originally Posted by edwmax View Post
I mist my nanas daily in the morning and late evening; And, if the temps are hot and dry at mid day, too.
Yes under mist and high humidity ( 80% rh), bananas grow nice without any leave injury. However they are more prone to pests, bacteria and fungi.
The best is to have an automatic mist system (which you can buy for $50-70) and set it at 6 am, and mist for ever 5 minutes for 2 hours, this is only when the temperature is over 75F.
I don't recommend misting during the hot day, because the water goes inside the plant where it get very hot, boiling it inside out.
And in the evening it might be a problem during the night that the water attracts pests. Of course if the weather is dry then it's not a problem.

Also if you want to have a nice foliage then incorporate in your misting a amino nitrogen fertilizer (preferably organic), it will make your leaves green. Most of the growers have yellowish-green leaves because of poor nitrogen absorption.
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