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Old 11-05-2017, 04:53 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa Aeae White Variegated

I asked the same question to several people before planting mine. I chose full sun. It already has less green/less energy so every bit of extra sun helps. You saw my pics I’m sure. My AEAE was burnt bad in the beginning. My good friend Hector said I should construct a shade for it until it grows larger! Same as he did and it helped his a lot. And he was correct! It helped a lot! After it reached 5 foot or so things got much better and the burning of the white areas still happened but it wasn’t bad at all. I would suggest full sun and shade it until it gets a little larger. Also yours won’t burn as bad as others such as AEAE or even Musa Florida.

2nd question. I have never had a variegated Musa revert back to green. Can it happen? Who knows. I believe a lot of this comes from plants that wasn’t even verigated to begin with. Leaf viruses in Musa can look a lot like variegation. You have to do your research and buy from a trusted source. Especially when this much money is involved. If a plant has the mutated variegation it has it from what I understand. They can make green pups, white pups, or variegated pups. Some with little variegation and some extremely variegated.

Also I know for a fact that nutrients can effect the white. More nitrogen makes the white lighter. So in some varieties, just by using fertilizer you can make them stand out or fade.

All this is from my observations. Maybe someone can answer more in detail of the hows and why’s.
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