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Old 12-06-2017, 02:11 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa Aeae White Variegated

Thank you so much Tytaylor. Yes, yours are awesome in the pictures! I will keep that in mind; I will probably let it sit in the pot for a year (during the summer it'll be in a spot that ONLY gets morning sun) until the pseudostem is about 5ft tall, as you said.

I have never read anything about nitrogen in the soil affecting the white parts so I will be on the lookout for that in dealing with my plant as well. The only reason I brought it up was because people on a forum a while back (I forget the site) said theirs became greener with each leaf in full sun. I believe this because, from observing my rice paper plants, euphorbia viguieri, euphorbia neohumbertii, and Dorstenia foetida when taken from a shady area to full sun, I learned that plants adapt. When "shady" plants are presented with full sun, they adapt by losing all large/dark green (current) leaves and growing new ones that are much smaller and have a waxy coating. This prevents photo-oxidation and henceforth, they can adapt to full sun. This is mainly why I was wondering.. if a plant can change its entire leaf-structure and coating, I found it plausible that variegated banana plants could adapt by showing less and less green per new leaf. But this is just speculation. (quick link to photo-oxidation: BASIC ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTOBIOLOGY)

You know from experience about veriegated bananas, however, and I will take your advice! Perhaps banana plants are more simplistic since the plants I listed live after blooming or something.. who knows. Thank you BUNCHES haha
Growing: Ensete ventricosum 'maurelli', Musa balbisiana 'Thai Black', bordelon, basjoo, Dwarf Cavendish, Dwarf Orinoco, itinerans var. itinerans, lasiocarpa, orinoco (tall), saba, sikkimensis 'Red Tiger', TaNee, zebrina, VDN (green), 1000 fingers, praying hands, ornata purple, veluntina, french red, super dwarf cavendish, dwarf iholena, red iholena, balbisiana (yellow), kru, mananzo, zebrina var. gran nain.
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