Re: Musa Aeae White Variegated
Also, mine is FINALLY growing! I increased watering despite what many people say and it is finally doing something. I had to cut off all but 1 leaf so it could root better. Also the leaves started turning brown which means "not enough water" so I am currently treating it like I treat my potted basjoos in regards to sunlight/water
I drew with sharpie on the newest layer of pseudostem a week ago. First pic was taken December 1st (2 days after drawing the line)
This was taken tonight (December 5th)
And here is what the plant looks like as of tonight.. it looks pretty sad but it's growing finally so it'll look normal-ish soon
Also FYI those 2 plants near the wall in the same pot are actually Bromeliad pups rooting... NOT the banana's pups haha
Growing: Ensete ventricosum 'maurelli', Musa balbisiana 'Thai Black', bordelon, basjoo, Dwarf Cavendish, Dwarf Orinoco, itinerans var. itinerans, lasiocarpa, orinoco (tall), saba, sikkimensis 'Red Tiger', TaNee, zebrina, VDN (green), 1000 fingers, praying hands, ornata purple, veluntina, french red, super dwarf cavendish, dwarf iholena, red iholena, balbisiana (yellow), kru, mananzo, zebrina var. gran nain.