Originally Posted by ariekazy
Hi everyone!
In the middle of summer, I obtained a viente cohol pup. The pup has been growing and is about 3' tall. The leaves are now larger than I can handle indoors and winter will be coming soon.
So, what is the best way to attempt to overwinter this plant? My goal is NOT to have massive growth indoors but rather just keep it alive so it has the potential to fruit next year outside.
Should I cut the leaves back to a reasonable size and keep the pstem height at 3', or should I cut the pstem all the way back to ground level and let it grow up from the corm?
Any ideas or suggestions? I know this isn't ideal but perhaps I can keep it large enough in spring time that it will fruit outdoors next year.
First , Welcome to the Jungle,
You did not mention your grow zone and location.?
I know what you mean when a plant is small and has a big footprint does cause some space issues when you bring the plant inside.
For me, I will cut the leaf in half on some of my taller plants to make them fit in the area better.
Or raise the plant on a table/stand so the leaves are more on the ceiling and out of the way.
If you cut the stem the plant will still want to grow some more putting you back n the same situation in a few months or the stress could just kill your vc over the winter months.
There are a few good threads on the forum which discuss bringing them indoors which might help.
Also there are many Youtube videos which are like tutorials which you might takeaway some good ideas.
keywords banana indoors for both