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Old 03-04-2008, 05:02 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Default Re: Tissue Culture revisited

We just mix our own with basically the same stuff in it (MS, sugar, thiamin HCl, gelling agent and BA depending on use), but we make our own so we can modify it has needed. In the premade media from PhytoTech Labs, it has BA in it which is the chemical responsible for shoot multiplication, however it also inhibits shoot elongation and root formation (which is ideal for subculturing when multiplying your stock). So what we do is cycle the explants through the medium with the BA in it, and when the time comes to root the explants, they are switched to a similar medium which has no BA in it, this allows the shoots to elongate, roots to form and no longer induces extra shoot proliferation. It is possible to root explants in soil that come directly from a high BA medium, but this is usually only done to try and save plants which have been contaminated in culture, its much easier to have them root in vitro. I also use a low BA medium to store explants in for culture at a later date.

For the embryos specifically, I just used our high BA content medias (standard "multiplication medium"). I haven't tried much with a low BA or zero BA media yet. There are also other specific formulations for embryo culture, but I have not been able to try those yet.
Growing bananas in Colorado, Washington, Hawaii since 2004. Commercial banana farmer, 200+ varieties.
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